In the wake of a devastating attack that claimed the lives of five Chinese engineers, concerns over security have prompted some Chinese workers to consider leaving Pakistan. This recent incident, which targeted a vehicle en route to the Dasu power project, has significantly disrupted critical hydropower projects and raised alarms among Chinese nationals working across various projects under the $60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor initiative.
Suspension of civil works and workforce layoff
In response to the tragic incident, the Power Construction Corporation of China (PCCC) has paused civil works at the Tarbela 5th Extension Hydropower Project in Swabi district, KP province, and laid off over 2,000 workers. The suspension, aimed at reassessing security measures, underscores the growing concerns among Chinese companies operating in Pakistan.
The tragic event is part of a series of targeted assaults against Chinese personnel and interests in Pakistan, heightening tensions and necessitating a robust response from both Islamabad and Beijing. A team of Chinese investigators has since joined Pakistani authorities to probe the attack further, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced security measures to protect the thousands of Chinese workers in the country.
Why Chinese are being targeted
Implications for China-Pakistan relations
In response to the escalating threat, the Pakistani government has pledged to strengthen security for Chinese projects and personnel. This includes the creation of a dedicated force comprising police and military units. However, analysts argue for a more comprehensive approach to address underlying tensions and revise the strategy of outsourcing security maintenance to local and external religious figures.
Amidst diplomatic efforts to reassure China of its commitment to security, Pakistan faces the challenge of balancing development aspirations with the imperative of safeguarding its nationals and foreign collaborators against an increasingly complex terror threat.
(With inputs from agencies)
Suspension of civil works and workforce layoff
In response to the tragic incident, the Power Construction Corporation of China (PCCC) has paused civil works at the Tarbela 5th Extension Hydropower Project in Swabi district, KP province, and laid off over 2,000 workers. The suspension, aimed at reassessing security measures, underscores the growing concerns among Chinese companies operating in Pakistan.
The tragic event is part of a series of targeted assaults against Chinese personnel and interests in Pakistan, heightening tensions and necessitating a robust response from both Islamabad and Beijing. A team of Chinese investigators has since joined Pakistani authorities to probe the attack further, underscoring the urgent need for enhanced security measures to protect the thousands of Chinese workers in the country.
Why Chinese are being targeted
- A statement from the ISPR has pinpointed “specific foreign entities” as the culprits behind the recent surge in terrorism. Meanwhile, the Foreign Office attributes the unrest to “adversaries of the Pakistan-China partnership.”
- However, it’s the local terror group which are attacking Chinese projects and nationals. Pakistan’s landscape is marred by a dual insurgency threat from Islamist militants and ethnic separatists, particularly in the Balochistan region. The recent attack in Shangla, as well as assaults on strategic ports and naval bases used by China, have been attributed to groups like the
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Balochistan Liberation Army, and Islamic State-Khorasan. These groups aim to destabilize the region and challenge the extensive investments made as part of the Belt and Road initiative. - Analysts point to the complex interplay of ideologies, socio-political factors, and local dynamics that fuel these insurgencies. The Hazara region’s support for religious organizations and the proliferation of extremist tendencies present a challenging environment for maintaining security. The involvement of local militant groups, such as the Mujahideen Gilgit-Baltistan and Kohistan (MGB), which maintain ties with the TTP and sectarian outfits, further complicates the security landscape.
- According to a report ‘targeting Chinese nationals’ in Pakistan newspaper the Dawn, although the region does not overwhelmingly oppose development, there is a widespread belief that initiatives such as dam construction and the expansion of roads will lead to urbanization, women’s liberation, and modernization. These changes are seen by some as posing a threat to their religious and cultural traditions.
- There are those who express solidarity with the Uighur population in
Xinjiang , while others are uncomfortable with foreign individuals on their territory. These sentiments may contribute to a growing unease towards Chinese individuals in the area. - An incident that illustrates the tense local atmosphere involved a blasphemy charge against a Chinese national working at the Dasu dam site last year, indicating the potential for conflict, the Dawn report said.
In response to the escalating threat, the Pakistani government has pledged to strengthen security for Chinese projects and personnel. This includes the creation of a dedicated force comprising police and military units. However, analysts argue for a more comprehensive approach to address underlying tensions and revise the strategy of outsourcing security maintenance to local and external religious figures.
Amidst diplomatic efforts to reassure China of its commitment to security, Pakistan faces the challenge of balancing development aspirations with the imperative of safeguarding its nationals and foreign collaborators against an increasingly complex terror threat.
(With inputs from agencies)
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