NEW DELHI: Samajwadi Party member R K Chaudhary demanded the removal of “sengol” from the Lok Sabha, calling it an anachronistic symbol of monarchy in a democratic India. He said the sengol should be replaced by a replica of the Constitution.
Lodging a protest after taking oath as MP, Chaudhary submitted a letter to pro-tem Speaker Bhartruhari Mahtab questioning the presence of “sengol” next to the Speaker’s chair.”Today, I took oath in this honourable chamber that ‘I will bear true faith and allegiance to the Constitution of India as by law established’.But I was shocked to see the sengol on the right side of the Chair of the House. Sir, our Constitution is a sacred document of India’s democracy, while sengol is a symbol of monarchy. Our Parliament is a temple of democracy, not a palace of some king or royal,” he said, urging, “I request you that Sengol be removed from the House and replaced by a large replica of the Constitution.”
Chaudhary, who has won from the reserved seat of Mohanlalganj in Uttar Pradesh , is a known Dalit activist, and was among the early members of BSP.
He also wanted to read the letter in the House, but was urged by the opposition members, who were unaware of its content, not to do so in respect of the process of oath.
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