BENGALURU: Ravi Kumar, who took over as CEO of Cognizant Technology Solutions (CTS) earlier this year, looks to be refashioning his leadership team. Several of his predecessor Brian Humphries‘ key hires have left the organisation following Kumar’s entry.
The latest exit is that of Cognizant’s president for global growth markets, Rob Walker. He had joined Cognizant in 2021 as MD of the UK & Ireland business, but most recently covered all of Cognizant’s markets outside of the Americas region. An email to Cognizant on Walker’s exit did not elicit a response.
Others who left recently include Anil Cheriyan, who was EVP of strategy and technology. Before joining Cognizant, Cheriyan had served as the US presidential appointee in charge of technology transformation services. Earlier this year, Becky Schmitt, who was chief people officer, resigned.
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