While chartered accountant A S Sundaresha has been slapped with the maximum permissible penalty of Rs 10 lakh and barred from practicing for 10 years, his colleague, Madhusudan U A, has received a five-year ban on practicing and has to pay a penalty of Rs 5 lakh. The audit firm, ASRMP & Co, has also been handed a Rs 2-crore penalty and banned for four years, which will run concurrently with the debarment in the case related to 2018-19, NFRA said in a 44-page order issued on Friday.
“Despite the fraud being revealed after the suicide of group chairman V G Siddhartha, and the reports of investigations by Ashok Kumar Malhotra, retired DIG of CBI, the auditors displayed no professional scepticism and due diligence. The auditors also failed to obtain sufficient appropriate audit evidence… the total material and pervasive misstatements amounted to Rs 1,615 crore, which the auditors did not identify and report in their independent audit report,” it said.
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