INDORE: Madhya Pradesh State Legal Services Authority (MPSLSA) has witnessed a whopping 184% increase in providing legal services through its eight schemes in 2022 in a year-on-year comparison.
“In case of court-based legal aid, the authority focused on a legal aid defence council scheme in 19 districts in the state to provide legal assistance last year. So, the numbers are slightly less than pre-pandemic level”, said Singh.
In 2019, the MPSLSA provided legal services in 2.05 lakh cases, showed records. The MPSLSA provides legal services through its schemes, including legal aid, family dispute resolution centre, district legal counselling centre, remand advocate scheme, legal aid clinics, women and child protection unit, crime against labour cell and mediation.
Legal aid followed by legal aid clinics and district legal counselling centres were the top three schemes through which the highest number of cases were dealt providing legal services in the last couple of years, show records.
The state legal service authority provides free and competent legal services to weaker sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities, and to organise Lok Adalat to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity.
The MPSLSA cumulatively provided legal services in 1.85 lakh cases last year, which was only 65,294 in 2021, records from annual reports of law and legislative affairs department suggest.
Of the 1.85 lakh cases, legal aid was provided in 1.46 lakh cases last year, show records.
“In case of court-based legal aid, the authority focused on a legal aid defence council scheme in 19 districts in the state to provide legal assistance last year. So, the numbers are slightly less than pre-pandemic level”, said Singh.
In 2019, the MPSLSA provided legal services in 2.05 lakh cases, showed records. The MPSLSA provides legal services through its schemes, including legal aid, family dispute resolution centre, district legal counselling centre, remand advocate scheme, legal aid clinics, women and child protection unit, crime against labour cell and mediation.
Legal aid followed by legal aid clinics and district legal counselling centres were the top three schemes through which the highest number of cases were dealt providing legal services in the last couple of years, show records.
The state legal service authority provides free and competent legal services to weaker sections of the society to ensure that opportunities for securing justice are not denied to any citizen by reason of economic or other disabilities, and to organise Lok Adalat to secure that the operation of the legal system promotes justice on a basis of equal opportunity.
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