The India vs Pakistan World Cup match has been brought a day forward and will now be played on October 14, instead of the originally announced date of October 15, in Ahmedabad. This change came about as the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) reached an agreement with the International Cricket Council (ICC) and the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) to alter the dates of two of its matches.
Following these changes, the ICC will soon release an updated schedule, as it is likely that a few other games involving other teams will also be rescheduled.
As a result of this rescheduling, Pakistan will now face Sri Lanka in Hyderabad on October 10 instead of October 12.
The decision to reschedule the India vs Pakistan match was necessitated by concerns related to security deployment on the first day of the Navratri festival in Ahmedabad.
Following these changes, the ICC will soon release an updated schedule, as it is likely that a few other games involving other teams will also be rescheduled.
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