PUNE: Pune Rural Police on Saturday claimed to have rescued a 22-year-old woman and two minors, including a 15-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl, who were confined as slaves in a house at Kusgaon near Lonavla for three weeks. The woman and girl were repeatedly gang-raped by their two captors. The minors were kept chained in the house, police said. Cops arrested two men and detained their two juvenile aides in this connection.
Both juveniles were sent to Yerawada observation home in Pune. The suspects are part of a 10-member gang targeting tourists visiting Hanuman Tekdi and surrounding areas of Lonavla for armed robberies, cops said. “We are after the remaining suspects, all local criminals on record and now on the run after remaining active in the area for some time,” Pune (rural) SP Ankit Goyal said.
Both juveniles were sent to Yerawada observation home in Pune. The suspects are part of a 10-member gang targeting tourists visiting Hanuman Tekdi and surrounding areas of Lonavla for armed robberies, cops said. “We are after the remaining suspects, all local criminals on record and now on the run after remaining active in the area for some time,” Pune (rural) SP Ankit Goyal said.
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